phil1966 2015/06/07 13:48:21 0 0
Hi. I have written my first bot to autopost to my forum but if there is an error posting ,the program stops.  Is there a way to make the prog restart after an error ?  
Baller20 2015/02/24 05:59:02 1 0
Hey guys!I have made my own bot, and I have problems with captcha. I watched your tutorial videos and I do exactly the same things BUT when I run my bot, there is a error : "Did not find the controls" and this error is in captcha part. So, in this case at 23. Otherwise my bot runs perfectly.But when I test run captcha part, then the window pop-up normally and I can write the captcha, but when I run my whole bot then the error comes.Might be hard to...
Baller20 2015/04/22 06:13:34 0 0
Hi,I would like to know how to run javascripts at bot chief editor / runner.Can you please send, example, pictures or small code right here ?Code what click some specific button for example, I think I can figured out that way how it works etc.so, if you could send small java script code (example, click button) which works with bot chief runner would be great.Appreciate if you understand what I mean,...
Baller20 2015/05/19 03:24:25 0 0
Hi,I have wondering, all the time when I use your software with debug, do it save any cache / cookies / history ?Atleast CCleaner doesn't find any.-Thanks
Baller20 2015/05/13 06:18:01 0 0
Hi,I have used a lot Keystroke Emulation and never have failed until today, after uploading newest BotChief Editor / Runner Version.When I use Keystroke Emulation these days, everything messed up, bot start clicking random clicks and can't finish the work.I have tried Everything but end is always the same. Bot clicks something and then the work is pretty much ruined. I'm frustrated.I need...
jacobb 2015/05/08 19:42:48 0 0
I have downloaded the latest version of botchief editor and there are now commands that come up with that I do not have rights to use this function.  I have the pro developer version and it says to upgrade but the website only has the elite develop version that just allows auto updated to clients and the create licences.
Baller20 2015/05/12 03:00:33 0 0
Hi,I wondering is this possible with BotChief Editor ?1) Open CCleaner2) Run it.Done!I have already open CCleaner with CMD, that's works fine. But I don't find a way how to click "Run" after that. Is it even possible with BotChief Editor / Runner ?with javascript or something ?If you know the way, please help me.- Thanks!...
onlygrace 2015/05/06 07:01:07 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:runner 2.9.4 & editor 3.3.7I want to report bug on your latest update.I've made bot using botchief editor 3.3.0 a few months ago, this bot works to make email automatically from my cpanel hosting. Everything works fine until I update the software (runner 2.9.4 & editor 3.3.7). Despite of good looking UI on...
sgallasch 2015/04/19 03:31:49 0 0
Hi guys i think i would love this software but i have not a clue how to get started. Is it possible someone could point me in the right direction as the videos on here are for the old version and it does not make sence on the new free version trial. Thanks in advance.
akeshari 2015/04/19 00:56:46 0 0
hey John, thanks for solving the multiple thread issue.But there's a bug with the fix. I presume , you've added some kind of switcher whcih switches between multiple open windows to change the focus . But, its not efficient enough. Most of the times, it randomly starts switching windows and everything is messed up. I wanted the multiple thread to work on different windows at a time but not at the cost of efficiency....
Develko 2015/04/18 12:52:44 0 0
Hello.I've created a bot that makes Yahoo E-mail accounts .Yesterday i made 10 just to make sure it works and went to sleep.Today i woke up and i got a message "Sorry ,Unable to process your request - Error 999" .Can you give me any advce ?
TurboGolom 2015/04/16 16:16:20 0 0
Hello.I know there are 4 Videos or something like that with some explaining about some Functions of the Bot but thats just the simple things. Are there any other Guides/Tutorials/Videos where i can learn all the advanced things like recieving mails, using extern programs, including c# codes etc all that is missing with any explanation about the reqiered fields etc. would be nice if someone can show me some videos or some simple scripts where i can learn the things i...
akeshari 2015/04/12 01:30:05 0 0
The old version worked fine with the user agent set funtion  but the update doesn't. Please get this fixed asap.
Xion 2015/04/05 01:36:07 0 0
I don't know anything about scripts or coding (working on it), & I was wondering if there's either a place to download free scripts or could someone tell me what code scripts are written in?(I'm assuming it's code.)
Baller20 2015/04/08 04:05:30 0 0
Hey,I just noticed that when bot upload file, the row index is always "random" and I can't change that, why so ?
akeshari 2015/04/07 19:24:03 1 0
I clicked run as administrator as usual and this is what error i get. I even tried running it on a number of computers. The case is same. Please fix the bug, John.
TurboGolom 2015/04/06 14:08:42 0 0
Hello guys and hello Team.i started using your great tool some hours ago and have some Questions about your functions and generel stuff. i got some knowledge with this automation programs, i used the tool with z......so 1 Question: when is the next Update coming and what does it contain ?2: will there ever be an script recorder like: press record open site fill site and bot will record every step?3 Is it possible so far to use a...
akeshari 2015/04/07 19:26:52 0 0
John made me buy the elite developer version saying that the multiple threads is not working because I had the free version. The problem hasn't been resloved even with the paid version. Someone from WhiteHatBox, please reply.I really need your help.
akeshari 2015/04/02 20:11:51 0 0
PLEASE HELP.No matter what i do, the multiple thread feauture of the botchief runner is not working. I even tried running the system bots that's already provided(yahoo account creator). It doesn't even work on thatPlease tell me if I am missing something. Getting this issue fixed will be a great relief. ThanksLet's ROCK
x2102465 2015/03/31 01:31:03 0 0
I just did a fresh install of whitehatbox and botchiefeditor. I am getting this "error browser files are not correct"Any ideas on how to correct?Thank you.
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