Karmagedon 2015/08/20 13:08:54 0 0
The ability to disable certain operations. This is necessary to test the module without these operations, if multiple operations, they have a nested structure or customized. Remove and add again - not very comfortable.Disabled operation are marked with a cross and become shaded. I drew an example:...
Karmagedon 2015/08/24 12:58:45 0 0
Action List is very large and it was good. But even with the open panel Action List often have to scroll through the list. It would be very nice if at the top of the list had a list of favorite actions, where the user could add action, which he uses often.
Karmagedon 2015/08/25 13:04:29 0 0
After clicking on the Save button label appears, where you click on OK. ...
kabone76 2015/09/23 16:03:45 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:3.2.2...
lb1025 2015/10/01 22:10:57 0 0
helloI am having issues loading BotChief Runner. When I go to load chief runner in the admin rights I receive this error "load browser DLL file failed, Please run it again using admin rights!" the DLL files that are currently in the file for the Botchief runner are 7z1, 7z2, DecaptcherLib, DevComponents.DotNetBar2,SevenZipSharp, and  System.Data.SQLiteI am kinda stuck atm, any help would be very appreciated!...
tuckortum907 2015/07/26 06:39:33 0 0
Hello. I am trying to automate a service for coinad.com there is captcha that i need to bypass. it is the kind that you check the box. i have a deathbycaptcha sub. any suggestions for this would be appreciated. also if someone could go to the site and maybe check it out to help me go through this. i just started. thanks
Danksta 2015/10/05 05:36:09 0 0
Is there a way to catch the redirected links or better yet all the webpages that a certain webpage is redirected to and save all the webaddress in a variable? The option of web url scraper, scrapes only the current url, i want to know is it possible to scrape all the urls that occur during that whole session?Also is it possible to remove a dataentry of a variable if it doesn't contain a specific keyword?
lb1025 2015/09/30 19:50:12 0 0
I purchased botchief pro and was given the activation key. I originally and still do have the free version. I am curious of where I place in the activation key for the pro version?
kabone76 2015/09/29 19:05:43 0 0
Hello I was curious how can I go about adding a menu strip like this:...
cpalop 2015/09/25 10:24:21 0 0
hello,I've just compiled several times one module but proxies are not working, using botchief runner proxies are working through settings menu but i'm doing exactly the same on the compiled version and proxy:nullWhy multithread mode in debuging mode is really slow?, It mades failed threads all the time.If i'm not running on debug mode i always get an error of control not found.This new update also makes debuger crash sometimes and...
Ahmed Farahat 2015/09/26 23:59:23 0 0
how to set the HTTP referer in load url action
Ahmed Farahat 2015/09/26 17:06:52 0 0
i payed for botchief developer but didn't receive the serial email yet
kabone76 2015/09/21 17:19:45 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.6.7
Karmagedon 2015/09/16 00:21:29 0 0
Look for this new version of the program has turned out just now. After looking, I wanted to write on the forum.COOL! COOOOOL! THANKS TO DEVELOPERS! It is very cool. ...
kabone76 2015/09/16 08:59:34 0 0
Is there a way to prevent the cookies from being cleared after a successful thread?I do not want to have to keep loggin into facebook every time a new thread is started, and I do not have a way to prevent the tab names increasing.. How could i make it so I stop the cookies from being cleared?
Justin 2015/09/01 04:26:07 0 0
/editor/attached/file/20150901/20150901042431_0988.datIt's a bot that is designed to load Kongregate, create an account, and spam topics. If you can add things like random log in info. that would be cool. It's nearly finished. Just some things might not work like actually posting and stuff....
kabone76 2015/08/27 02:22:45 0 0
I just wanted to let you guys know about an issue I have been seeing quite a bit. If you open the form and edit it. Eventually the elements in the form such as buttons, images, text fields etc. disappear and cannot be found or moved. They are still there you just can't do anything with the form once this happens! I have had this issue since before I bought your software with the free version and thought this would be fixed by now. Very frustrating to start building a form then have it do this an...
Karmagedon 2015/08/25 20:05:22 0 0
1. Load all elements and js - Timeout(seconds)When Timeout out, what happens?2. ...
kabone76 2015/08/25 07:18:32 0 0
Is there a way to compare two text files? For instance if I have one text file for urls to visit and another for urls already visited ,  is there a way to compare if the first file has urls from the second list, and if so scrub that list to a new text file?Example:urls_visited.txt contains:...
kabone76 2015/08/25 00:29:05 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:3.5.55 out of 20 times when I go to create a new form this happens. Once it happens the app crashes and does it for at least 10 more times before I can create a new form. If I open a previous project that had this issue it never goes away. Just figured I'd let you guys know! Awesome software (: well worth waiting for fixes.
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