Karmagedon 2016/01/24 15:23:54 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.4.3After the last update buttons "Import rom file" and "Paste to selected column" not working.
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:46:29 0 0
It is unable to test run. Sometimes it is necessary to determine the correct response....
Karmagedon 2016/01/16 06:32:00 0 0
Again, I was absent for a long time. I download the latest version of the program. I want to say a big thank you to developers!A huge number of new features and, most importantly, bug fixes!Did a great job!!!! Thank you!!!! ...
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:28:03 0 0
I propose to add the ability to add notes to the core code of the module.If the code module consists of hundreds of items, it is easier to navigate your code.Note has no possibility to use "Process Control - Goto" (It does not have numbers).Note allocated a certain color, such as yellow.I drew an example:...
greyhat 2016/01/10 07:53:24 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9WhiteHatBox V1.2.1I've spent countless hours trying to make my 1st bot, and after doing so, I finally managed to make a really simple but very useful bot.  I first noticed the problem in Editor, but ignored it so I can run my bot in Runner, only to discover the same FREAKING bug/problem....
greyhat 2016/01/14 17:11:31 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Problem: When trying to append random number(s) to string, it doubles the number.Example: Append random single digit number to word (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)Result= word22, word77, word33, etc.,Example2: append random double digit number to word...
ronnie173 2016/01/16 20:43:12 0 0
Hi is there any documentation or video on how to use the forms to incorporate them with the modules that I build? I looked through some of the videos and all of them are focused on making modules and none are on how to use the forms. I have the developer version so I want to make software to actually sell.
debashish 2016/01/15 07:44:30 0 0
My requirement is, after logging into web application needs to navigate into...
user_1234 2016/01/16 02:00:08 0 0
What format do I use when I enter proxy info into the SetProxy function?Do I import a string that looks like this: | Proxy:Port? how do I set the proxy variable so it uses the appropriate ip and port?
debashish 2016/01/15 07:43:56 0 0
My requirement is, after logging into web application needs to navigate into...
greyhat 2016/01/08 19:29:23 0 0
There is NO documentation/videos for this.How do I configure the "captcha" to allow me to select a combination of individual images for Recaptcha?I am able to get the iframe recaptcha pop up window to load, but I can NOT click anything in it to solve the recapcha manually.This is with GMX.com when trying to create an acct, which I have to manually create my own bot for because the gmx acct creator was removed from botchief Please Advise me on how to proceed, thanks.
greyhat 2016/01/10 08:14:10 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Whitehatbox v1.2.1ANOTHER FREAKING BUG:1) Botchief Runner IGNORES RunningTimes per dayIf I tell it to run 5 times (with multiple threads OFF) it will only run ONCE2) Botchief Runner IGNORES Interval Time after each...
user_1234 2016/01/14 13:20:08 0 0
I am writing my program and I am trying to figure out how to make it multi-thread compatible. This is the specific issue I am trying to solve.How do I create a program that loads 1000 email accounts and does the following: 1. log in once to each account. 2. searches and scrapes data from different websites (no overlapping) 3. logs out of the program and gives a log report and returns variables....
debashish 2016/01/12 03:33:55 0 0
. Our requirement is scraping the data from webapplications.The execution flow would be as follows:1)     Login into the web application.2)     Scrape data from the application....
anthony jupiter 2016/01/14 03:45:59 0 0
please how to build custom template on botchief editor to use it on blackbulkmail , i am waiting for your response , I paid the edition 170 usd october , please add my skype to response me  my skype is:...
greyhat 2016/01/14 00:18:43 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9Problem:  Random Processing generates random sources, but not randomly enough.Test1: I ran 10 trials, with 10 different sources, to generate 4 Columns of Random Data.Column1 = WordsColumn2= WordsColum3=  Words & NumbersColumn4= Words...
sturmundrang 2016/01/13 09:46:03 0 0
Hi I just purchased and downloaded botchief, however it does not debug, it asks me to upgrade. Maybe I did not download the elite version? However, on white hat box I had just one download option..
greyhat 2016/01/10 02:57:13 0 0
Hi, I'd like to thank the team/dev/support for making this bot possible.  I do like it, and its quite handy as is.  But it could become MUCH MORE POWERFUL if you:monitored & responded more frequently on the forumsquickly implement possible feature requestsThe biggest thing that I'd like to request for now is that you guys you use multiple...
kaevlar 2015/11/01 16:54:48 0 0
Hello,I was wondering if there is a list of Free version' limitations.I understood it were a full working version, with limited features but I thought I could export a project from the editor and run it with the runner. At the moment, the only thing i can do is run manually one-action at time in the project view, but it's pretty unuseful.Am I missing something?
greyhat 2016/01/08 22:46:38 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.8.9I doubled checked your site to make sure that this feature is included by default in the free version.However, it tells me that I have no rights to use this feature.I really need to try to use this feature so that I can try to find how to be able to select the manual recaptchas that Im attempting to solve since I cant figure out how to use the "captcha" function to manually select the images for gmx acct creation.WhiteHatB...
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