sturmundrang 2016/02/09 12:52:16 0 0
Hi, when selecting html in a control operate action I need to select between male or female radio button, the html is clear, so I am using a variable, but when running it always ignores the variable and uses the gender I clicked on to select the html then modify with variables, without looking for the one with the gender specified by the variable. Hope it's clear.
howard 2016/02/15 03:15:35 0 0
Hello,How can we do this easily? to select any random selection in a drop selection field... or even in a radio button to select any random value.Please help by giving steps and example here on how to fill up a form with drop down and radio and other fields. etc... i hope theres a default variable module for names, cities, dates.. etc... Thank you
howard 2016/02/11 03:01:47 0 0
Captcha is not save properly.. in the popup its missing some image.but on the web its full..if i run on BotchiefRunner it cannot solved the capthca because its lacking.How to solve this? Thank you....
klein 2016/02/12 18:03:53 0 0
I don't understand how I can use the captcha tool for google noCaptcha reCaptcha.Example: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo
pfm121 2016/02/12 06:31:05 0 0
I get the error when I run the module in BotChief.  When I test the module in BotChiefEditor it works perfect if I choose to run it in a current window, but I get the error when I select new window.
klein 2016/02/10 18:15:54 1 0
Right, so there is this site where if I refer people I get stuff. I've already made a bunch of emails with BotChief, but how am I able to use my list of emails to create an account with each email.
ducce111 2014/10/06 12:51:48 1 0
Hi  I could not find any docu on the subject only few video tuts that are not explaining all the details. It is a easy to use software but some tasks do need more advanced knowledge.It seems no one is making video tuts any more so please provide well documented help.Is it possible to create UI when the bot starts like in Ubot Studio so users can enter values or keywords and switch between tasks? Very important feature.Thanks in advance!
sturmundrang 2016/01/24 12:50:00 0 0
I am trying to simulate the ENTER key keystroke. Botchief says success upon testing, but nothing of what should happen actually happens.
sturmundrang 2016/01/29 18:29:52 0 0
Hi, I noticed botchief struggles a bit with ajax, or I am unable to find the right onpage elements to make it work. I have this search form with no submission button, it's an ajax event <form action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return false;"><input type="text" data="input"></form>. To activate the search the only way is to hit ENTER, but when I simulate it with the bot it doesn't work. So I guess I am either focusing on the wrong element or the ENTER simulator cannot...
Baller20 2015/03/23 08:36:30 0 0
Hey,I wanna know is there some way how I can run my Tasks 10 or 20 times and every single time my bot log in with different email ?I have table variable where is my emails, but I can't make it work. Every time when I start my task again, bot pick up the same Email and log in with that, please I need help with that :/I have tried *Remove row* in Variable but when I run task again, it just remove the same row and...
Netman 2016/01/26 14:45:50 0 0
I need to scrape user profile fields in Amazon.The problem is first, in Country selection drop down it gives "1" in "Test" when I use "Select Control", instead if the country name.In "Advanced Seek Condition" it's like:name="buyercountry"id="buyercountry"value="1"id="United States"value="255"...
alncorp 2016/01/29 14:00:31 0 0
I am desperate! I need to begin getting some results on Twitter immediately. I've reached out to John at WHB but I have not received support so far (three days requesting). I recorded a video of all my setup ( https://youtu.be/IqP4dnrrT7M ) - John said he cannot find anything wrong in my settings.Please contact me, and we...
Danny 2016/01/03 14:20:54 0 0
I've just read about the capabilities of botcheif to generate organic search traffic. Can the bot change the resolution of visits or only the browser settings, time on site and clicks on site?
Netman 2016/01/29 08:29:54 0 0
Hi,Here are the things I think is needed to apply to the Form Designer: * Just like module design in form section please change "Saved!" dialog box to a "Saved" style in module style, It's annoying to move over and click Ok button each time you make minor changes to the form. * Ability of Copy, Cut and Paste on controls is necessary - specially when you want to put many...
fmbaba01 2016/01/18 06:16:10 0 0
I am recently nominated in a Promo and it will require a voting process, i want to ask can Bot Chief do it. I have tried to solicit for votes but it was never to be.However, if you request me to send you the voting link or rather post it here i will gladly do. But i just want to be sure Bot Chief can do that and do it well.ThanksJohnskype: fmbaba01
Netman 2016/01/22 10:54:12 0 0
HiI made a module and a form. After struggling a lot (with Local/Global variables) finally got it work.It consists of 2 textbox and a submit button. This bot is supposed to fill form to login to a blogging site.Today i added another textbox to the form, set everything just like the other two ones (except the name).Everything works except the last textbox i added, it gets...
sturmundrang 2016/01/24 11:54:01 0 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:Editor 3.9.0As expected, the faulty file upload bug when you test run the script is now also found on the editor, after I spotted it yesterday on the runner.Please correct ASAP, I cannot copy and paste hundreds of values.
satch3l 2016/01/19 07:42:33 0 0
I want to scrape a row of numbers that updates frequently. I've managed to scrape the numbers however, they are all stored as one large number (i.e 1, 2, 3, is stored as 123). How do I separate them? Alt. how do I store the last number only?
Karmagedon 2016/01/24 15:23:54 0 0
Operating System:Windows 8.1Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.4.3After the last update buttons "Import rom file" and "Paste to selected column" not working.
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 12:46:29 0 0
It is unable to test run. Sometimes it is necessary to determine the correct response....
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