Karmagedon 2018/07/03 05:59:30 0 0
Karmagedon 2018/06/27 01:26:18 0 0
Outlook - Error...
billybot 2018/06/18 07:54:04 0 0
Is there a way to create an action where it keeps looking for a specific text from the web page again and again and once that text is found a sound goes off? Thanks.
zhangyuhan 2018/06/26 08:43:32 1 0
Can release a HTTP post tutorials or post a template, don't know how to configure, always a problem!I found a tutorial, but only...
winter400 2018/06/15 23:38:47 0 0
Hello,I use input captcha but it's not working, The captcha need to New Keystrokes Elumation for input.How i do this?Best regards,Winter100    
winter400 2018/06/14 13:09:56 0 0
Hello,How to remove blank empty column or row? I use Process duplicate but it's not working now!Best regards,Winter100
minhthuycntt 2018/06/14 09:31:27 0 0
Can I  : Settimezone, Dissabled WebRTC,Dissable Flash, Install addons in chorme. Save and restore Chorme profile?
WebCreative 2018/05/26 08:45:17 0 0
I can easily search on google and see google image result (BotChiefEditor)  is there any way i can download image one by one Full size.. from google image search result... like i limit download 10 image per keyword.can i create this with BotChiefEditor?
tony greaves 2018/05/24 16:44:57 0 0
HelloI am trying to make a bot that will scrap urls and then fill in a form.How do i set the parameters so the different forms i scrap are adjusted.
LordDeanUK 2018/05/22 23:17:38 0 0
Afternoon,i stumbled across Bot Chief but i think it can do what i'm looking for.So i work as a self employed data miner and looking to automate some of my work.I'm looking to create 3 projects.Project 1 - Facebook keyword searcherProject 2 - Twitter keyword searcherProject 3 - Google searcher ...
kwaninmacau 2018/05/21 14:46:06 0 0
Hi,If buy software, could I get support about how to use or how to achive some function?I can't find control on some website, I am confused about it right now.Thank you!
kwaninmacau 2018/05/20 14:50:29 0 0
I run Botchief, but it so slowly every run any opration.Why does Botchief  run so slowly on my computer?
guerreiro.v 2018/05/16 00:30:33 0 0
Hello, I just updated BotchiefRunner to version 4.2.0. Perfect working bots running on GeckoFx 45 stopped working.  Reason: unknown error. With Botchiefeditor I had to switch browser between versions in order to get the module working.Please advise.
sjacob67 2018/05/15 07:54:50 0 0
If I upload a csv file to botchief, can it read the csv filelog into my facebook accountgo to a group I manage look for users listed in the csv fileremove users if the name or facebook profile url matches the csv file?
WebCreative 2018/05/15 05:33:18 0 0
Is it possible BotChief Runner will auto start with windows startup and start task?
Pablo González 2018/05/03 03:45:50 0 0
Can anyone please share some information on how to set up the pop up manager so that pop ups are shown and clicked on? I am trying to create a bot for a site that requires access to mic&webcam and need to accept the request to use them
mokote 2018/04/14 12:50:59 0 0
hello,is there any way in "process controll" ->"if" function to find letters/special signs or numbers?example:X =2018ifX contain "[0-9] numbers" and do not contain letters/special signs "[a-zA-Z&._-]" return value "true"elsereturn value "false"regards
digitalsearchengines 2018/03/28 15:26:16 0 0
hello to the great botchief team,I Request a email scraper video for google yahoo or any directory like yellowpages etcIt will be very supportive to develop a data scraping bot.
SubZero17 2018/03/27 08:28:41 0 0
Hey Botchiefs,is there a option where I can connect Botchief with the Google Authenticator and/or how can I imput the function that the Bot fills in the Security Code automatically? I couldnt find it and in the Tuts I watched I couldnt find it also. The link for the Video where it is explained is fine also.And can I join the Skype group for faster answers and other helpful stuff?...
PercyTapia 2018/03/04 20:24:42 0 0
Hi,could you please give me any suggestions for solving this problem:This is a details page about rental properties.I need to get the text value next to "Parking". In this case "No Garage". I can select and find the control ok on one property page but on other pages the control is in a different place (1 row above or below) and it scrapes something else like "Utilities"-value.I can't find any unique classes, IDs, titles or anything for "Parking" and so cannot get the correct value on every page....
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