Karmagedon 2019/01/24 10:13:43 1 0
I would like to ask you to add to this action the ability to save the execution result in a variable (as, for example, in the Page Load Wait action).What for?1. Sometimes a user may incorrectly enter server connection data - in this case, the command will return the error "Failed! Connect server failed" and I can end the module.2. Sometimes a E-mail letter does not arrive immediately, and if there is no letter, I would like to delay and check the...
santosh66 2019/01/24 14:40:11 0 0
It gives error "Resourcehacker.."  while I try to compile while "Modifying information of software"How to fix it? It was fine few months ago.
Karmagedon 2019/01/22 03:20:32 0 0
I often need to specify files when modules are operated for string variables.It is very inconvenient to do this - first you have to open the folder, then copy the path of the directory, then paste it into the text field, then enter the file name and extension.One could add a button to select a file to string variables.(this is especially necessary in compiled modules)...
Karmagedon 2019/01/15 20:34:56 0 0
I apologize for being a little silly. Can I have a few questions about the new features in this version? :)1. What is this button? (I clicked, but did not understand)...
Jiwan90i 2018/12/28 03:59:43 0 0
Hi there,I am having issues to solve a Captcha, check the exemple below: ...
winter400 2019/01/15 19:20:55 0 0
Hello,I complite my Software but Virustotal call have Trojan. How i clean it, if have Trojan I can't sell my soft!- Trojan/Win32.SGeneric- Win32/Muter.A potentially unsafe...
winter400 2019/01/15 19:36:45 0 0
Hello,I custom Form, but can't save it.Error: ThreadException...
AlexanderDevs 2019/01/15 12:51:32 0 0
Hi everyone, I got this 3 day trial Developer version of BotChief editor, but when I installed it via WhiteHatBox - it says it is "BotChiefRunner" not "BotChief Editor" and it has no "Editor" tab there - I have only two tabs "Start" and "Help & Support" - but all video tutorials on youtube show how to use "Edit" Tab and it shows how there is a lot ore tabs - maybe in previous version? could someone tell me please - where all the editing ability is there? or is it locked and unavailable becau...
Karmagedon 2019/01/13 16:06:47 1 0
How to use that?Can you make simple example?I tried, but I did not succeed....
Karmagedon 2019/01/11 20:11:09 1 0
Karmagedon 2019/01/08 05:18:09 1 0
Karmagedon 2019/01/13 17:23:53 1 0
Karmagedon 2019/01/13 01:02:54 1 0
I made a special module that incorrectly solves the captcha. After solving a captcha, I add one character to it, and then repeat the solution. The action Capcha worked five times, but nothing happened.Can someone explain how the hell this option works and what is it for??...
Karmagedon 2019/01/04 06:52:22 0 0
Could you comment, preferably, in as much detail as possible....
vezecs 2019/01/10 07:52:13 0 0
I want to import a line that will be added automatically to all columns.I have tried with: value1:value2:value3: ... with value1|value2|value3 still can't make it work.When I import the file is added only on the first column (Cont|Proxy|Email)......
winter400 2019/01/06 23:05:21 0 0
Hello,I try create bot login facebook. But it's not working! I'm using GeckoFx 4.5Error: For a better experience on Facebook, update your browser.How i fix it?
vezecs 2018/12/31 23:58:32 0 0
Hello,I'm trying to resolve a captcha using 2Captcha but I can't make it work ...I have checked my account the captchas are sent ok from 2captcha.. I get the response but using the response as shown on forum and on video nothing happens..I checked in source and I see the value is inside the TEXTAREA.. like in the image:...
Karmagedon 2019/01/03 08:20:27 0 0
Does the module work normally? Or do I have to use the Break action?
Karmagedon 2018/12/28 00:42:43 0 0
It would be nice if inside the code of the module one could know the launch parameters. In particular, I am interested in the Debug Mode option - my module requires launching only in this mode, but users often run without this option.If you could get the launch parameters, inside the module you could respond to non-standard situations, for example, shut down the module, if debug mode is disabled or show a message that you need to specify any additional parameters, for...
Karmagedon 2018/12/22 23:37:06 0 0
Good evening! So another year has passed :)I wish WhiteHatBox developers good health, let them have the fastest computers during development, but there will be no bugs at all, and everything works like a clock! Thank you for the great software, patience and help that you provide to users.I wish the users good health, good developments and new cool modules, let there be no bugs and everything works like a clock!I wish the girl from the BotChief tutorial videos of good health and delicious cookies...
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