What happened????????
What happened????????
I cant seem to install them progrobably
After putting other similar software to have a comparison with whitehatbox, I have to say that the functions from whitehatbox are the best, besides we can propose our request to them if we want to add some new function for our software, and that is totally for personal service, thanks all the programmers from whitehatbox. Look good on your guys.
After putting other similar software to have a comparison with whitehatbox, I have to say that the functions from whitehatbox are the best, besides we can propose our request to them if we want to add some new function for our software, and that is totally for personal service, thanks all the programmers from whitehatbox. Look good on your guys.
Hi, Diamond Damien, thanks for your support, we will work harder, thanks
Best wishes!
Hi there, is there any way I can get quote for writing a bot in BotChief for registering Google email accounts (PVA). We are using Death-by-Capatcha as BotChief does and can work with manual input of phone numbers and SMS verification code. I tried to use BotChief myself but was stopped at the first step because the browser inside it can not load any web page (Im in China but using proxies and VPNs so it should not be a network problem). Could you please contact me at [email protected]?
Many thanks!
hi vivijimmy, I think the problem should be the network in China that ban you to visit google to register email. How about if you don't use proxy, only open vpn?
Can you visit the google register page with only vpn connected?
Hi, incredibler please check these videos to know how to use BotChief editor.
And we can create such bot for you, i have checked this post >>http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=2426#.VxBJfnqwoR4. And it is a little difficult.
You can add our skype account: whitehatbox we can talk the details.
Btw, next time please just post one thread for the same thing, thanks